Thursday, December 29, 2005


The new year is almost here and I have not yet cleared the backlog of stuff from this year. I am so pathetic. I am also so tired of whining all the time about the pile of work I have yet to finish. How do I get my life back on track?

Things with the hubby have been going well lately. But how long will it last?

If there ever was a need for a book or article on 'How To Waste Time' or 'The Art of Procrastination' I'll probably be able to it.

What's my new year resolution?

Never to make one again. I've never been able to keep any resolution that I have made and it's depressing. I don't need another item on my list of things that is depressing to me.

1 comment:

Miss Construed... said...

Hi Riva
Glad to hear things are going well with your hubby. I broke up with mine last night...I can't handle the man I love and gave children to calling me an unfit mother; I want it to work and have counselling set up- but knowing him he won't go.
My ny resolution is to get a job so I don't have to listen to him ever tell me that it's his money because I am just a lowly housewife.And to get an agent and to sell my books. And to get another cat. And to be a better mother. He has a point- but it's sharp.

All the best for the New Year.