Friday, May 16, 2008

Old Flames

It has been almost 10 years and I am still hung up over HIM!

Why is that? I wish someone could shed some light on this problem.

Maybe it's true then, first loves are the hardest to get over.

But does it usually take THIS long?

I want to move on already. But I find myself still thinking about him, still getting flustered around him, still wanting to find out about his life. Not to mention the occasional intense dreams about him.


It still hurts when I think back on what happened between us. I wish I was a bit more mature then to see what was going on.

Maybe I need to fall in love again with someone else before I can begin to move on. But how am I supposed to do that now...

This line from a song comes to mind, although I don't know the title: '... it's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along...'

I feel that I might just end up finding myself in that situation one day.

Sometimes I wish he would talk to me again like we did when we were just friends.

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